Query RP:
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/rp={RP}
Query Software:
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/software={SOFTWARE_NAME}
Command | Description | Required/Optional |
curl | (Client for URL) is a tool for transferring data through network protocols. Wget and other similar commands will also work. | Required |
https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/ | This is the 'Path' to the API. | Required |
Once you've obtained an API Key from us, you will need to paste your actual key here each time you query the API.
Without a valid key, your request will be denied. It is also case-sensitive. |
Required |
rp={RP} | Replace {RP} with the group id(s) of the Resource Provider you are retrieving information for. This should be formatted as:
You can Find the complete list of group ids at this page. For example, if you want to grab all software on anvil and ookami, your query will be: {url}/rp=anvil.purdue.access-ci.org+ookami.sbu.access-ci.org You can also use the rp names to query, so the following query would have the same result as above: {url}/rp=anvil+ookami This is not case sensitive, i.e. 'anvil' and 'ANVIL' will be treated the same. |
Required |
software={SOFTWARE_NAME} |
Replace {SOFTWARE_NAME} with the name of the software you are retrieving information for. This should be formatted as:
For example, if you want to grab information for gaussian and abacas, your query will be: {url}/software=gaussian+abacas This is not case sensitive, i.e. 'Gaussian' and 'gaussian' will be treated the same. |
Required |
Flag | Description | Required/Optional |
include={COLUMN_NAMES} |
Include this if you are only interested in certain columns, rather than the entire row of data. Default is ALL. Format as: include=<col1>+<coln> To grab only the RP name and software name for all software on FASTER: {url}/rp=faster,include=rp_name+software_name |
Optional |
exclude={COLUMN_NAMES} | As an alternative, if you are interested in all but a few specific columns, you can exclude them instead. Default is NONE. Format as: exclude=<col1>+<coln> To grab all information except description on FASTER: {url}/rp=faster,exclude=software_description |
Optional |
format={FORMAT} |
You may specify the format you would like your results of your query. Current options are JSON, CSV, or HTML (an unstyled table).
Default is JSON. |
Optional |
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/software=7z
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/rp=anvil
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/rp=darwin.udel.access-ci.org+kyric.uky.access-ci.org,exclude=ai_description
curl https://ara-db.ccs.uky.edu/api=API_0/{API_KEY}/rp=ookami,include=rp_name+software_name+ai_description,type=csv